Dan Writes...
Dan writes again...
i have been forced due to the extreme nature of the language, to edit first half of Dans latest writings to me. I think however the message they conveyed remains in the remainder of the printed section of the message.
Date sent: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 18:32:07 GMT
From: eeug391@eleceng.ucl.ac.uk (D Thorp)
To: mbge7kc2@fs1.eng.man.ac.uk
Subject: Bastard.
Copies to: d.thorp@ucl.ac.uk
Print this, then go and screw something that's just died.
{Major section of insults removed here}
You were adopted, and your real mother was a warthog.
You have all the charisma and personality of an elephant's
You are as funny as a dead trout.
Or Les Dennis
At least let me get my own back by giving me a correct username and password.
{I have done - we changed it to be easier to remember}
No, actually, don't bother because I'm not the sort of person who writes fucked up lies and slanderous nasty stuff for revenge on what is supposed to be our web page because I can actually write funny, intelligent things and not have to resort to bollocks to get people's attention. So this is Dan, having been severly misrepresented, signing off from this fucked up excuse of a web page for good, to go and be nice to people and have a good
fucking laugh. Cheers! So long and thanks for a big fat fuck-all.....
Boutros boutros ghali.
(it's surprising how seriously some people take you when you try. Find the truth. Get to know the REAL me at eeug391@eleceng.ucl.ac.uk......)
How seriously people take who? You? Me? Them? Everybody! Everybody! {Sorry, i'm slipping into Blues Brothers mode}
Why should i write 'slanderous nasty stuff' to get revenge on you? Revenge for what exactly?
And as for the end part of your message. Go on then. Prove yourself. Write us something witty and intelligent. Try it. You might even like it...
That goes for the lot of you...