Nerdy Test
Nerd Test Results (finally)
Well the nerd test results are in and it has to be said, there are a few surprises in there! The early favourites, with their computing backgrounds were Al & Kris. Llewelyn was the dark horse, after all he did have a year with IBM...
As it happens, everyone should be relieved that they�re not hanging around with a bunch of nerds, as only one person broke the 30% barrier. Results are listed showing what percentage nerd you are.
1. Dan 30.6%
2. Georgia 25.4%
3. Kris 24.8%
4. Alyster 24.4%
5. Anne 23.6%
6. Llewelyn 19.8%
So there you have it. Dan the top nerd by a clear magin, with Georgia a surprise second (how did you keep that secret from us?)
Next test will be a weirdness one, so get those results in. If anyone wants to be included in the nerd
test who wasn't before, go to the test from the links page and send your results. Any extras will be added to the page. KRiS