Dan'Longview is about me'Thorp
Original ambition on starting his academic career was to be a plant. Has since realised that this is well outside his capabilities, and has downscaled his idea to being a sheep. This he is achieving quite well. Spent the last 5 years stacking shelves in Marks & Spencers, but left after finally realising he wasn't getting job satisfaction. Spends most of his life drumming out obscure rhythms that only he can hear, on the edge of tables. Until people strangle him!
Taste in women :- God knows. Possibly anyone called 'Flossie'
Kris 'Covergirl' Coverdale The dashingly hanson author of this article. Doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone. An absolutely wonderful wonderful person. Recently escaped from British Steel to become a student, leaving behind pensions, share options, wife, 3 kids, semi-detached house. Main claim to fame is that his spellchecker seems to think he should be called Krill. Or Iris.
Taste in women :- Previously thought to be brunettes, although Anne seems to have disproved this theory
Al 'Do I Smell?' Okroy
A nomad by trade, Al moves from place to place doing odd jobs to earn a few coppers here and there. Previous jobs include - toilet cleaner, underwear repairman, CS gas tester. I shouldn't really say too much bad about Al, as he's a really nice guy (who also happens to owe me a lot of money). Possesses a manic cuttlefish like grin. No-one took too much notice of him in his youth as he was too small for them to actually see. Has since gone on an intensive weight training and steroids program. People notice him occasionally now.
Taste in women:- Generally the psychotic, schizophrenic or downright mad. Except for the one he married of course!
Llewelyn 'aren't my names the wrong way round' Thomas Social revolutionary and part-time operatic tenor. Will thwart any authority that gets in his way in the fight for free jazz music for all. Was the only boy his PE teacher called by their christian name. Not for any particular sporting aptitude, more that he thought someone must have written his name down the wrong way around. A hardened drinker, Llewelyn has been seen drinking up to 4 pints in an entire evening.
Taste in women:- Beka I guess.
Peter 'Happy Wanderer' McCleave
Has a terminal infatuation with bar-codes, and anything else with black and white stripes on. Invested his life savings into the stock market, and is now massively rich, doling out loans left right and centre to anyone needy (i.e.students). A commited arsonist, Peter has set fire to 3 houses, 2 People and a small tree to date. Biggest vice - pulling the labels off Newcastle Brown bottles (And we all know what it signifies...)
Taste in women:- Shirley Manson and Gillian Anderson are on the list, so not bad if you like red-heads.
Georgia 'do I have to be an honoury boy' Hegarty
A late addition to Dan's boys list, because well, she wasn't a boy. He has since remedied this. Her being on the list that is. A big fan of Jelly Tots, Bagpuss and Swar-fega, Georgia keeps herself entertained by leading young freshers astray, with the temptations of alcohol and other debauchery, in return for assurances of votes in the upcoming election.
Taste in women:- I think we'd better leave this one to the